Potentially adaptive mitochondrial haplotypes as a tool to identify divergent nuclear loci

Michael R. Garvin, William D. Templin, Anthony J. Gharrett, Nick DeCovich, Christine M. Kondzela, Jeffrey R. Guyon, Megan V. McPhee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Genetic tools are commonly used for conservation and management of at-risk species. Individuals are often sampled from mixtures that are composed of many populations, which creates a need to assign individuals to their source. This can be problematic when the genetic divergence among source populations is weak but can be improved using adaptive genetic loci, which should show stronger levels of divergence. We previously reported a signature of positive selection in the mitochondrial-encoded ND5 subunit of complex I in diverse taxa. The respiratory machinery of the mitochondria in salmonids is composed of more than 80 nuclear genes and there is substantial interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial expressed gene products. Recent studies report adaptive variation in mitochondrial function as well as co-evolution between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. We used potentially adaptive ND5-based mitochondrial haplotypes to identify nuclear loci that would display increased levels of genetic divergence compared to neutral nuclear loci in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). Populations in a geographic area the size of France have previously demonstrated weak genetic divergence even after substantial discovery efforts by multiple laboratories for allozymes, microsatellites and SNPs over the last two decades. We used RAD-based next-generation sequencing and identified a nuclear-encoded subunit of mitochondrial complex I that was a significant FST outlier and 14 other divergent nuclear markers that improve genetic assignment of individuals to their population of origin relative to assignments based on neutral markers alone. This work demonstrates how a known adaptive marker can be leveraged to increase the probability of identifying divergent markers for applied genetics tools that may be biologically linked to it.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)821-834
Number of pages14
JournalMethods in Ecology and Evolution
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • RAD-seq
  • SNP
  • conservation genetics
  • genetic stock identification
  • mitochondrial DNA
  • positive selection


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