Post-Irradiation Examination on Absorber Material Specimens Irradiated in the High Flux Isotope Reactor

Annabelle Q. Le Coq, Jesse W. Werden, Kory D. Linton, Matthieu Aumand

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Advanced accident-tolerant absorber material candidates are being investigated as an alternative to current absorber materials used in commercial nuclear reactors. Framatome and Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a neutron irradiation campaign in the High Flux Isotope Reactor to collect a first set of data on the irradiated behavior of four absorber material candidates: hafnium carbide, hafnium carbide with molybdenum additive, samarium hafnate, and europium hafnate. Two irradiation capsules containing these absorber material specimens were inserted in the reactor and targeted a specimen irradiation temperature around 300°C and irradiation damage levels of 6 dpa and 12 dpa, respectively. The capsules were then disassembled to recover the passive thermometry and the specimens. The passive thermometry was analyzed via dilatometry, and the results show that the average specimen temperature was 305°C and 384°C for the 6 dpa and 12 dpa capsules, respectively. The specimens were dimensionally inspected using an in-cell setup, including a jaw gauge modified for hot cell handling. Length, width, and thickness measurements were recorded for each specimen and compared to the same data recorded pre-irradiation to estimate the irradiation dimensional change of the specimens. The results show no significant dimensional change for the four absorber materials and at the two irradiation damage levels.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - Aug 2024




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