Possible role of the oxygen potential gradient in enhancing diffusion of foreign ions on α-Al2O3 grain boundaries

Bruce A. Pint, Anthony J. Garratt-Reed, Linn W. Hobbs

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83 Scopus citations


Thermally grown, α-Al2O3 external scales formed on alloys after oxidation in pure oxygen at temperatures between 1000° and 1500°C were analyzed using FEG-STEM/XEDS. Alloy dopants such as Y, Zr, La, Hf, and Ti were found to segregate to the α-Al2O3 grain boundaries and to the alloy-scale interface. With increasing oxidation time and temperature, the amount of segregant on the oxide grain boundaries near the gas interface increases until a critical level is reached and precipitates begin to nucleate and grow. These observations are a result of the outward transport of dopants from the alloy, through the external alumina scale, to the gas interface. The apparent driving force for the dopant diffusion is the oxygen potential gradient in the growing oxide scale.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)305-314
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of the American Ceramic Society
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1998


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