Plasma: Parallel linear algebra software for multicore using OpenMP

Jack Dongarra, Mark Gates, Azzam Haidar, Jakub Kurzak, Piotr Luszczek, Panruo Wu, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Asim Yarkhan, Maksims Abalenkovs, Negin Bagherpour, Sven Hammarling, Jakub Šístek, David Stevens, Mawussi Zounon, Samuel D. Relton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


The recent version of the Parallel Linear Algebra Software for Multicore Architectures (PLASMA) library is based on tasks with dependencies from the OpenMP standard. The main functionality of the library is presented. Extensive benchmarks are targeted on three recent multicore and manycore architectures, namely, an Intel Xeon, Intel Xeon Phi, and IBM POWER 8 processors.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbera16
JournalACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes


The authors thank the Intel Corporation for their generous hardware donation and continuous financial support. They also thank the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility for providing access to the POWER8 system. This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. CCF-1339822 (SILAS) and No. CCF-1527706 (DARE), by the European Commission H2020 Projects No. 671633 (NLAFET) and No. 671602 (INTERTWinE), and by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Project No. EP/M01147X/1 (SERT). Authors’ addresses: J. Dongarra, M. Gates, A. Haidar, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, I. Yamazaki, and A. YarKhan, University of Tennessee, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 1122 Volunteer Blvd. Suite 203, Knoxville, TN 37996-3450, USA; emails: {dongarra, mgates3, haidar, kurzak, luszczek, iyamazak, yarkhan}; P. Wu, University of Houston, Department of Computer Science, 3551 Cullen Blvd, Houston, TX 77204, USA; email: [email protected]; M. Abalenkovs, N. Bagherpour, S. Hammarling, and D. Stevens, The University of Manchester, School of Mathematics, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK; emails: [email protected], [email protected], sven. [email protected], [email protected]; J. Šístek, Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Žitná 25, 115 67 Prague, Czech Republic; email: [email protected]; M. Zounon, Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG), Manchester One, 53 Portland Street Manchester, M1 3LD, UK; email: [email protected]; S. D. Relton, The University of Leeds, Institute of Health Sciences, Leeds, LS2 9LJ, UK; email: [email protected].

FundersFunder number
National Science FoundationCCF-1339822
National Science Foundation
Intel Corporation
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme671633
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilEP/M01147X/1
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
European Commission671602
European Commission


    • Multicore processors
    • Numerical linear algebra libraries
    • OpenMP
    • PLASMA
    • Task-based programming
    • Tile algorithms


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