Planned FY19 Creep and Fatigue Design Curve Testing of Alloy 709 Base Metal

Yanli Wang, T. L. (Sam) Sham

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This report summarizes the status of planned FY 2019 creep and fatigue testing of the first commercial heat of Alloy 709 base metal at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). A comprehensive master creep testing matrix was generated to support the ASME code qualification of Alloy 709. The testing activities and research are carried out at Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory and ORNL. ORNL was tasked to carry out a subset of the creep Code Case testing matrix for electroslag remelt (ESR) with solution annealing (S/A) at 1100°C in FY 2019. In this reporting cycle, 25 creep tests were started and 9 of them produced rupture data. The remaining 16 tests of ESR with S/A at 1100°C, along with 6 long-term creep tests of argon-oxygen-decarburization with S/A at 1100°C, are ongoing.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2019




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