Physical and magnetic properties of Ba(Fe1-xRux) 2As2 single crystals

A. Thaler, N. Ni, A. Kracher, J. Q. Yan, S. L. Bud'Ko, P. C. Canfield

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96 Scopus citations


Single crystals of Ba (Fe1-x Rux) 2 As2, x<0.37, have been grown and characterized by structural, magnetic, and transport measurements. These measurements show that the structural/magnetic phase transition found in pure BaFe2 As2 at 134 K is suppressed monotonically by Ru doping but, unlike doping with TM=Co, Ni, Cu, Rh, or Pd, the coupled transition seen in the parent compound does not detectably split into two separate ones. Superconductivity is stabilized at low temperatures for x>0.2 and continues through the highest doping levels we report. The superconducting region is domelike, with maximum Tc (∼16.5K) found around x∼0.29. A phase diagram of temperature versus doping, based on electrical transport and magnetization measurements, has been constructed and compared to those of the Ba (Fe1-x T Mx) 2 As2 (TM=Co, Ni, Rh, and Pd) series as well as to the temperature-pressure phase diagram for pure BaFe2 As2. Suppression of the structural/magnetic phase transition as well as the appearance of superconductivity is much more gradual in Ru doping, as compared to Co, Ni, Rh, and Pd doping, and appears to have more in common with BaFe2 As2 tuned with pressure; by plotting TS / Tm and Tc as a function of changes in unit-cell dimensions, we find that changes in the c/a ratio, rather than changes in c, a, or V, unify the T (p) and T (x) phase diagrams for BaFe2 As2 and Ba (Fe1-x Rux) 2 As2, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014534
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 30 2010
Externally publishedYes


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