PFM2: A 32 × 32 processor for X-ray diffraction imaging at FELs

M. Manghisoni, L. Fabris, V. Re, G. Traversi, L. Ratti, M. Grassi, L. Lodola, P. Malcovati, C. Vacchi, L. Pancheri, M. E.A. Benkechcache, G. F.Dalla Betta, H. Xu, G. Verzellesi, S. Ronchin, M. Boscardin, G. Batignani, S. Bettarini, G. Casarosa, F. FortiM. Giorgi, A. Paladino, E. Paoloni, G. Rizzo, F. Morsani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This work is concerned with the design of a readout chip for application to experiments at the next generation X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FEL). The ASIC, named PixFEL Matrix (PFM2), has been designed in a 65 nm CMOS technology and consists of 32 × 32 pixels. Each cell covers an area of 110 × 110 μm2 and includes a low-noise charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) with dynamic signal compression, a time-variant shaper used to process the preamplifier output signal, a 10-bit successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital circuitry for channel control and data readout. Two different solutions for the readout channel, based on different versions of the time-variant filter, have been integrated in the chip. Both solutions can be operated in such a way to cope with the high frame rate (exceeding 1 MHz) foreseen for future X-ray FEL machines. The ASIC will be bump bonded to a slim/active edge pixel sensor to form the first demonstrator for the PixFEL X-ray imager. This work has been carried out in the frame of the PixFEL project funded by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberC11033
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 24 2016


The research activity presented in this paper has been carried out in the framework of the PixFEL experiment funded by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The members of the PixFEL Collaboration are affiliated with Universit di Bergamo, Universit di Pavia, Universit di Pisa, Universit di Trento and INFN, Italy.

FundersFunder number
Universit di Bergamo
Universit di Pisa, Universit di Trento
Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Università degli Studi di Pavia


    • Front-end electronics for detector readout
    • Instrumentation for FEL


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