PdHx Entrapped in a Covalent Triazine Framework Modulates Selectivity in Glycerol Oxidation

Carine E. Chan-Thaw, Alberto Villa, Di Wang, Vladimiro Dal Santo, Alessio Orbelli Biroli, Gabriel M. Veith, Arne Thomas, Laura Prati

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


Pd nanoparticles within a nitrogen-containing covalent triazine framework (CTF) material are investigated to understand if the highly tunable CTF chemistry mediates the catalytic properties of the Pd nanoparticles. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that the CTF stabilizes the formation of 2.6 nm PdHx particles within the pores. These confined PdHx particles are very active for the liquid-phase oxidation of glycerol and promote C-C cleavage, probably connected with the enhanced in situ formation of H2O2. During recycling tests, the confined particles are transformed progressively to very stable Pd0 particles. This stability has been attributed mainly to a confinement effect as nanoparticles trapped outside the pores lose activity rapidly. These results indicate that there is a potential to tune CTF chemistry to modify the chemistry of the catalytic metals significantly.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2149-2154
Number of pages6
Issue number14
StatePublished - Jul 13 2015


  • cleavage reactions
  • heterogeneous catalysis
  • nitrogen heterocycles
  • oxidation
  • palladium


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