Passive heat removal in horizontally oriented micro-HTGRs

Molly Ross, T. Ying Lin, Isaiah Wicoff, Broderick Sieh, Piyush Sabharwall, Donald E. McEligot, Hitesh Bindra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


There are novel, horizontally oriented high-temperature gas-cooled micro-reactor (HTGR) designs under consideration because of their portability, simplicity, and reliable operation. These features of the micro-HTGR design can meet the fission battery attributes, such as economic, standardize, installed, unattended and reliable. Although there have been HTGR related safety studies, micro-HTGRs when horizontally oriented are expected to exhibit significantly different thermal physics. During the unavailability of helium circulation, the internal reactor core is designed to cool by block-to-block conduction and radiation, and the reactor vessel surface is cooled by the ambient air. This scenario is anticipated during the transport of the micro-HTGR in a shipping container. The conduction and radiation between the prismatic micro-HTGR blocks in the core can be influenced by variances in the thermal contacts. This work investigated the conduction within a simulated horizontal HTGR core. An experimental setup was used to validate a numerical model. The experimental setup consisted of a hexagonal assembly with scaled prismatic blocks placed within a high-temperature vacuum environment. The gaps between the blocks were well controlled and monitored. The experimental setup was designed in such a way that the temperature variation in the axial direction was minimal, such that the experiment could be observed as a 2D (r, θ) heat transfer problem. The pressurized tube was equipped with Infra-Red (IR) transparent windows, and an IR camera was used to capture the spatio-temporal temperature evolution in the hexagonal block assembly during the cooldown experiments. The experimental scenario was computationally modeled with a finite element analysis (FEA) program. Once validated, the computational model was used to investigate the impact of gap conductance on overall decay heat removal. Using a conservative estimate for gap conductance value (100 W/m2−K) between the prismatic blocks, there is a negligible increase in temperature observed during decay heat generation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104530
JournalProgress in Nuclear Energy
StatePublished - Feb 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Fission battery
  • Horizontal HTGRs
  • Micro-HTGRs
  • Passive safety


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