Paramagnetic spin correlations in colossal magnetoresistive La 0.7Ca 0.3MnO 3

Joel S. Helton, Matthew B. Stone, Dmitry A. Shulyatev, Yakov M. Mukovskii, Jeffrey W. Lynn

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5 Scopus citations


Neutron spectroscopy measurements reveal dynamic spin correlations throughout the Brillouin zone in the colossal magnetoresistive material La 0.7Ca 0.3MnO 3 at 265 K (∼1.03 T C). The long-wavelength behavior is consistent with spin diffusion, yet an additional and unexpected component of the scattering is also observed in low-energy constant-E measurements, which takes the form of ridges of strong quasielastic scattering running along (H 0 0) and equivalent directions. Well-defined Q-space correlations are observed in constant-E scans at energies up to at least 28 meV, suggesting robust short-range spin correlations in the paramagnetic phase.

Original languageEnglish
Article number144401
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number14
StatePublished - Apr 2 2012


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