Pairing in the two-dimensional Hubbard model from weak to strong coupling

Astrid T. Rømer, Thomas A. Maier, Andreas Kreisel, Ilya Eremin, P. J. Hirschfeld, Brian M. Andersen

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The Hubbard model is the simplest model that is believed to exhibit superconductivity arising from purely repulsive interactions and has been extensively applied to explore a variety of unconventional superconducting systems. Here we study the evolution of the leading superconducting instabilities of the single-orbital Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice as a function of onsite Coulomb repulsion U and band filling by calculating the irreducible particle-particle scattering vertex obtained from dynamical cluster approximation (DCA) calculations, and compare the results to both perturbative Kohn-Luttinger (KL) theory as well as the widely used random phase approximation (RPA) spin-fluctuation pairing scheme. Near half-filling, we find remarkable agreement of the hierarchy of the leading pairing states among these three methods, implying adiabatic continuity between weak- and strong-coupling pairing solutions of the Hubbard model. The dx2-y2-wave instability is robust to increasing U near half-filling as expected. Away from half-filling, the predictions of KL and RPA at small U for transitions to other pair states agree with DCA at intermediate U as well as recent diagrammatic Monte Carlo calculations. RPA results fail only in the very dilute limit, where it yields a dxy ground state instead of a p-wave state established by diagrammatic Monte Carlo and low-order perturbative methods, as well as our DCA calculations. We discuss the origins of this discrepancy, highlighting the crucial role of the vertex corrections neglected in the RPA approach. Overall, a comparison of the various methods over the entire phase diagram strongly suggests a smooth crossover of the superconducting interaction generated by local Hubbard interactions between weak and strong coupling.

Original languageEnglish
Article number013108
JournalPhysical Review Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2020


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