P-GRADE: A grid programming environment

P. Kacsuk, G. Dózsa, J. Kovács, R. Lovas, N. Podhorszki, Z. Balaton, G. Gombás

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

52 Scopus citations


P-GRADE provides a high-level graphical environment to develop parallel applications transparently both for parallel systems and the Grid. P-GRADE supports the interactive execution of parallel programs as well as the creation of a Condor, Condor-G or Globus job to execute parallel programs in the Grid. In P-GRADE, the user can generate either PVM or MPI code according to the underlying Grid where the parallel application should be executed. PVM applications generated by P-GRADE can migrate between different Grid sites and as a result P-GRADE guarantees reliable, fault-tolerant parallel program execution in the Grid. The GRM/PROVE performance monitoring and visualisation toolset has been extended towards the Grid and connected to a general Grid monitor (Mercury) developed in the EU GridLab project. Using the Mercury/GRM/PROVE Grid application monitoring infrastructure any parallel application launched by P-GRADE can be remotely monitored and analysed at run time even if the application migrates among Grid sites. P-GRADE supports workflow definition and coordinated multi-job execution for the Grid. Such workflow management can provide parallel execution at both inter-job and intra-job level. Automatic checkpoint mechanism for parallel programs supports the migration of parallel jobs inside the workflow providing a fault-tolerant workflow execution mechanism. The paper describes all of these features of P-GRADE and their implementation concepts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-197
Number of pages27
JournalJournal of Grid Computing
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes


Figure 1. Program development cycle supported by P-GRADE.


  • Graphical development environment
  • Grid computing
  • Parallel programming


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