Overview and first measurements of the MAST Upgrade bolometer diagnostic

J. Lovell, M. L. Reinke, A. R. Field, B. A. Lomanowski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


A suite of multi-channel resistive bolometers has been implemented to measure the total radiation from Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak Upgrade plasmas, with cameras covering the core plasma and lower divertor chamber. Data are digitized and processed using novel field-programmable gate array-based electronics, offering improved compactness and new operational capabilities. A synthetic diagnostic has been developed to explore the quality of 2D reconstructions available from the system and to quantify the uncertainty on quantities such as the total radiated power. Measurements in the first campaign have demonstrated correct functioning of the diagnostic while also highlighting issues with electrical noise and some failure mechanisms of the detectors, as well as significant neutral beam fast-particle losses.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023509
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1 2023


This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Award Nos. DE-AC05-00OR22725 and DESC0014264. This work was partly funded by the EPSRC Energy Programme (Grant Nos. EP/T012250/1 and EP/W006839/1). To obtain further information on the data and models underlying this paper, please contact [email protected] . Support for M. L. Reinke’s contributions was, in part, provided by Commonwealth Fusion Systems. The authors would like to thank Stefan Schmitt, Hans Meister, and Matthias Bernert for discussions of possible failure modes of the sensor shown in Sec. .


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