Ordered water around deuterated A-DNA by neutron fibre diffraction

L. H. Pope, M. W. Shotton, V. T. Forsyth, P. Langan, R. C. Denny, U. Giesen, M. T. Dauvergne, W. Fuller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


A neutron fibre diffraction study of A-DNA hydration has been carried out using instrument D19 at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. In contrast to earlier experiments, deuterated DNA was used in order to minimise incoherent scattering and sample absorption effects. Fourier analysis of data collected from the sample in a D2O environment has revealed four distinct major groove ordered water sites. A network of ordered water involved in the bridging of successive O1 phosphate oxygen atoms along the double-helix backbone has been identified. Extensive hydration of the major groove base edges has been observed as a continuous core of density running down the helix axis. The other two hydration features are located in the centre of the major groove, one at the opening of the groove and the other located deep in the groove.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1156-1158
Number of pages3
JournalPhysica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
StatePublished - 1997
Externally publishedYes


  • Deuterated DNA
  • Hydration
  • Neutron fibre diffraction


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