Optimization of pellet scenarios for long pulse fuelling to high densities at JET

P. T. Lang, B. Alper, L. R. Baylor, M. Beurskens, J. G. Cordey, R. Dux, R. Felton, L. Garzotti, G. Haas, L. D. Horton, S. Jachmich, T. T.C. Jones, P. J. Lomas, A. Lorenz, M. Maraschek, H. W. Müller, J. Ongena, J. Rapp, M. Reich, K. F. RenkR. Sartori, G. Schmidt, M. Stamp, W. Suttrop, E. Villedieu

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23 Scopus citations


Pellet injection was investigated for its fuelling capability to high densities in ELMy H mode discharges at JET. Applying the high field side launch system, optimized refuelling scenarios were developed on the basis of conventional discharge configurations with Ip = 2.5 MA, Bt = 2.4 T, averaged triangularity 〈δ〉 ≈ 0.34 and mainly neutral beam heating at a level of approximately 17 MW. The accessible operational range was extended with respect to gas puff refuelling by the use of pellet injection. For example, H mode conditions could be maintained at densities beyond the Greenwald level. Plasma energy confinement was observed to become density independent at high densities. Deep pellet particle deposition made possible the uncoupling of edge and core density, allowing more peaked density profiles. When confinement deterioration due to pellet triggered MHD activity or parasitic pellet borne gas was avoided in appropriate pulse schedules, an enhanced particle inventory was achieved while maintaining the plasma pressure profile. In a technical assessment it was found that there is still room for further enhancement of the injection scenario by improved adaptation to high density plasma operation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)388-402
Number of pages15
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2002


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