Optical simulation of CsPbI3/TOPCon tandem solar cells with advanced light management

Min Yue, Yan Wang, Hui Li Liang, Zeng Xia Mei

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Monolithic perovskite/Si tandem solar cells (TSCs) have experienced rapid development in recent years, demonstrating its potential to exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit of single junction Si solar cells. Unlike typical organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite/silicon heterojunction TSCs, here we propose CsPbI3/TOPCon TSC, which is a promising architecture in consideration of its pleasurable thermal stability and good compatibility with current PERC production lines. The optical performance of CsPbI3/TOPCon TSCs is simulated by the combination of ray-tracing method and transfer matrix method. The light management of the CsPbI3/TOPCon TSC begins with the optimization of the surface texture on Si subcell, indicating that a bifacial inverted pyramid with a small bottom angle of rear-side enables a further minimization of the optical losses. Current matching between the subcells, as well as the parasitic absorption loss from the front transparent conductive oxide, is analyzed and discussed in detail. Finally, an optimized configuration of CsPbI3/TOPCon TSC with a 31.78% power conversion efficiency is proposed. This work provides a practical guidance for approaching high-efficiency perovskite/Si TSCs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number088801
JournalChinese Physics B
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 1 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • 84.60.Jt
  • 88.40.H-
  • 88.40.hj
  • Cspbi
  • Perovskite/si tandem solar cells
  • Simulation
  • Topcon


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