Open-shell channel-like salts formed by the supramolecular assembly of a tricarboxylated perchlorotriphenylmethyl radical and a [Co(bpy) 3]2+ cation

Daniel Maspoch, Daniel Ruiz-Molina, Klaus Wurst, Gavin Vaughan, Neus Domingo, Javier Tejada, Concepció Rovira, Jaume Veciana

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12 Scopus citations


The crystal structure of two open-framework ionic salts, namely [Co(bpy)3]3[PTMTC]2·(7 + x)H 2O (1) and [Co(bpy)3][PTMTCH]·29.5H2O (2), formed by the supramolecular arrangement of a polycarboxylate perchlorinated triphenylmethyl radical and a [Co(bpy)3]2+ cation have been determined. The absence of interpenetration in both frameworks shows large solvent-filled nanochannels with different shapes and sizes. The dimensions of these channels are 11 × 23 and 7 × 12 Å in 1 and 2, respectively. Furthermore, since both building blocks have a paramagnetic character, salts 1 and 2 present magnetic properties reflected by the presence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)573-578
Number of pages6
StatePublished - Oct 27 2004
Externally publishedYes


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