On polynomial-time testable classes of combinational circuits

N. S.V. Rao, S. Toida

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The problem of test generation for detecting stuck-at faults in combinational circuits is computationally intractable. Consequently, the identification of classes of circuits that support polynomial-time test generation algorithms is very important from testing and design viewpoints. The authors discuss several classes of polynomially-time testable circuits. First, they consider the existing polynomial classes obtained by using decompositions of the circuits. Another type of decomposition is proposed, based on fanout-reconvergent (f-r) pairs, which also lead to classes of polynomial-time testable circuits. Then, the authors present the classes of polynomial-time testable circuits that are formed by the Boolean formulae belonging to the classes of weakly positive, weakly negative, bijunctive and affine.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 1991
Externally publishedYes
Event1991 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium: Chip-to-System Test Concerns for the 90''s, VTEST 1991 - Atlantic City, United States
Duration: Apr 15 1991Apr 17 1991


Conference1991 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium: Chip-to-System Test Concerns for the 90''s, VTEST 1991
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityAtlantic City


  • NP-completeness
  • combinational circuits
  • polynomial-time testability
  • test generation


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