Observation of non-Maxwellian electron distributions in the NSTX divertor

M. A. Jaworski, M. G. Bell, T. K. Gray, R. Kaita, I. Kaganovich, J. Kallman, H. W. Kugel, B. LeBlanc, A. G. McLean, S. A. Sabbagh, F. Scotti, V. A. Soukhanovskii, D. P. Stotler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


The scrape-off layer plasma at the tokamak region is characterized by open field lines and often contains large variations in plasma properties along these field-lines. Proper characterization of local plasma conditions is critical to assessing plasma-material interaction processes occurring at the target. Langmuir probes are frequently employed in tokamak divertors but are challenging to interpretation. A kinetic interpretation for Langmuir probes in NSTX has yielded non-Maxwellian electron distributions in the divertor characterized by cool bulk populations and energetic tail populations with temperatures of 2-4 times the bulk. Spectroscopic analysis and modeling confirms the bulk plasma temperature and density which can only be obtained with the kinetic interpretation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S384-S387
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue numberSUPPL
StatePublished - 2013


The authors thank the reviewers for comments that have generally improve the quality of this manuscript. This work is supported under the U.S. Department of Energy contract #DE-AC02-09CHI1466.


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