Observation of a continuous phase transition in a shape-memory alloy

J. C. Lashley, S. M. Shapiro, B. L. Winn, C. P. Opeil, M. E. Manley, A. Alatas, W. Ratcliff, T. Park, R. A. Fisher, B. Mihaila, P. Riseborough, E. K.H. Salje, J. L. Smith

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29 Scopus citations


Elastic neutron-scattering, inelastic x-ray scattering, specific-heat, and pressure-dependent electrical transport measurements have been made on single crystals of AuZn and Au0.52Zn0.48. Elastic neutron scattering detects new commensurate Bragg peaks (modulation) appearing at Q=(1.33,0.67,0) at temperatures corresponding to each sample's transition temperature (TM=64 and 45/K, respectively). Although the new Bragg peaks appear in a discontinuous manner in the Au0.52Zn0.48 sample, they appear in a continuous manner in AuZn. Surprising us, the temperature dependence of the AuZn Bragg peak intensity and the specific-heat jump near TM are in favorable accord with a continuous transition. A fit to the pressure dependence of TM suggests the presence of a critical end point in the AuZn phase diagram located at TM*=2.7K and p*=3.1GPa.

Original languageEnglish
Article number135703
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number13
StatePublished - Sep 26 2008


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