Observation and analysis of pellet material δb drift on MAST

L. Garzotti, L. Baylor, F. K̈ Ochl, B. Ṕegouríe, M. Valovič, K. B. Axon, J. Dowling, C. Gurl, G. P. Maddison, H. Nehme, T. O'Gorman, A. Patel, M. Price, R. Scannell, M. Walsh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Pellet material deposited in a tokamak plasma experiences a drift towards the low field side of the torus induced by the magnetic field gradient. Plasma fuelling in ITER relies on the beneficial effect of this drift to increase the pellet deposition depth and fuelling efficiency. It is therefore important to analyse this phenomenon in present machines to improve the understanding of the δB induced drift and the accuracy of the predictions for ITER. This paper presents a detailed analysis of pellet material drift in MAST pellet injection experiments based on the unique diagnostic capabilities available on this machine and compares the observations with predictions of state-of-the-art ablation and deposition codes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105002
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2010


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