Numerical Analysis on Neutral Beam Injection Scenario for Advanced Tokamak Operation of KSTAR Tokamak

S. H. Kim, J. M. Park, S. H. Hong

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Numerical analysis has been carried out to find an optimum neutral beam injection (NBI) scenario for the advanced tokamak(AT) operation of the KSTAR tokamak using the ASTRA1 1.5-D transport code and the modified analytic NBI module. The NBI module is developed on the basis of the semi-analytic theory2, which involves the first orbit effects, arbitrary geometry and steady-state Fokker-Planck solution. And the model developed is used for calculating auxiliary plasma heating, non-inductive current drive and toroidal momentum source. The plasma density and temperature profiles are calculated by the ASTRA transport code self-consistently coupled with the developed NBI module. In addition, toroidal rotation profiles are obtained by solving a 1-D momentum balance equation averaged over the flux surface with the assumption of anomalous transport of toroidal angular momentum. As a result of numerical simulations, time evolutions of plasma density, temperature and toroidal rotation profiles are presented for the various NBI scenarios. Calculation results indicate that the AT operation modes with a high beta, high H factor and high bootstrap current could be attained by the localized NBI control of plasma heating, current and toroidal rotation profiles in the KSTAR tokamak.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)468
Number of pages1
JournalIEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
StatePublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes
Event2003 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - Jeju, Korea, Republic of
Duration: Jun 2 2003Jun 5 2003


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