Nuclear forensics methodology for reactor-Type attribution of chemically separated plutonium

Jeremy M. Osborn, Evans D. Kitcher, Jonathan D. Burns, Charles M. Folden, Sunil S. Chirayath

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


A nuclear forensics methodology has been developed that is capable of source attribution of separated weapons-grade plutonium in case of an interdiction. The methodology utilizes plutonium and contaminant fission product isotopes within the separated plutonium sample to determine the characteristics (reactor parameters) of the interdicted material. The reactor parameters of interest include source reactor type, fuel irradiation burnup, and time since irradiation. The MCNPX-2.7 radiation transport code was used to model reactor cores and perform neutronics simulations to estimate the resulting isotopes of irradiated UO2 fuel. The simulation results were used to create a reactor-dependent library of irradiated fuel isotope ratio values as a function of fuel burnup and time since irradiation. Ratios of intra-element isotopes (fission product or actinide) are used as characteristics to determine a combination of reactor parameters of interest that could have produced the interdicted sample. The isotopes selected for the attribution methodology development were based upon the initial criteria of isotope production yield in fuel and half-life. Subsequently, intra-element isotope ratios were formed with the criterion that the ratio must have a functional dependence on at least one of the reactor parameters of interest. The developed methodology compares the values of reactor-dependent intraelement isotope ratios in the library developed to the same ratios of the interdicted sample. A maximum likelihood calculation methodology was utilized to perform the aforementioned multiple intra-element isotope ratio comparison to produce a single metric to depict the result of the comparison. The methodology can predict the reactor type, fuel burnup, and time since irradiation of the sample by selecting the array of reactordependent intra-element isotope ratios that provides the maximum likelihood value. The methodology was tested with intra-element ratios of pseudo interdicted sample data and found to be viable for source attribution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalNuclear Technology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2018
Externally publishedYes


This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Domestic Nuclear Detection Office under grant awards: NSF-ECCS-1140018, DHS-2012-DN-077-ARI1057-02&03, and DHS-2015-DN-077-ARI1099. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of DHS.

FundersFunder number
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Domestic Nuclear Detection OfficeNSF-ECCS-1140018, DHS-2015-DN-077-ARI1099, DHS-2012-DN-077-ARI1057-02


    • Attribution methodology
    • Maximum likelihood
    • Nuclear forensics


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