Nontrivial fusion of Majorana zero modes in interacting quantum-dot arrays

Bradraj Pandey, Satoshi Okamoto, Elbio Dagotto

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Motivated by recent experimental reports of Majorana zero modes (MZMs) in quantum-dot systems at the "sweet spot,"where the electronic hopping th is equal to the superconducting coupling Δ, we study the time-dependent spectroscopy corresponding to the nontrivial fusion of MZMs. The term "nontrivial"refers to the fusion of Majoranas from different original pairs of MZMs, each with well-defined parities. We employ an experimentally accessible time-dependent real-space local density-of-states (LDOS) method to investigate the nontrivial MZM fusion outcomes in canonical chains and in a Y-shaped array of interacting electrons. In the case of quantum-dot chains where two pairs of MZMs are initially disconnected, after fusion we find equal-height peaks in the electron and hole components of the LDOS, signaling nontrivial fusion into both the vacuum I and fermion ψ channels with equal weight. For π-junction quantum-dot chains, where the superconducting phase has opposite signs on the left and right portions of the chain, after the nontrivial fusion we observed the formation of an exotic two-site MZM near the center of the chain, coexisting with another single-site MZM. Furthermore, we also studied the fusion of three MZMs in the Y-shaped geometry. In this case, after the fusion we observed the novel formation of another exotic multisite MZM, with properties depending on the connection and geometry of the central region of the Y-shaped quantum-dot array.

Original languageEnglish
Article number033314
JournalPhysical Review Research
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 2024


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