Non-inductive current drive and transport in high βn plasmas in JET

I. Voitsekhovitch, B. Alper, M. Brix, R. V. Budny, P. Buratti, C. D. Challis, J. Ferron, C. Giroud, E. Joffrin, L. Laborde, T. C. Luce, D. McCune, J. Menard, M. Murakami, J. M. Park

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A route to stationary MHD stable operation at high βN has been explored at the Joint European Torus (JET) by optimizing the current ramp-up, heating start time and the waveform of neutral beam injection (NBI) power. In these scenarios the current ramp-up has been accompanied by plasma pre-heat (or the NBI has been started before the current flat-top) and NBI power up to 22 MW has been applied during the current flat-top. In the discharges considered transient total βN ≈ 3.3 and stationary (during high power phase) βN ≈ 3 have been achieved by applying the feedback control of βN with the NBI power in configurations with monotonic or flat core safety factor profile and without an internal transport barrier (ITB). The transport and current drive in this scenario is analysed here by using the TRANSP and ASTRA codes. The interpretative analysis performed with TRANSP shows that 50-70% of current is driven non-inductively; half of this current is due to the bootstrap current which has a broad profile since an ITB was deliberately avoided. The GLF23 transport model predicts the temperature profiles within a 22% discrepancy with the measurements over the explored parameter space. Predictive simulations with this model show that the E × B rotational shear plays an important role for thermal ion transport in this scenario, producing up to a 40% increase of the ion temperature. By applying transport and current drive models validated in self-consistent simulations of given reference scenarios in a wider parameter space, the requirements for fully non-inductive stationary operation at JET are estimated. It is shown that the strong stiffness of the temperature profiles predicted by the GLF23 model restricts the bootstrap current at larger heating power. In this situation full non-inductive operation without an ITB can be rather expensive strongly relying on the external non-inductive current drive sources.

Original languageEnglish
Article number055026
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2009


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