Neutronic analysis of iter cryopump system

L. Petrizzi, M. Loughlin, A. Martin, F. Moro, R. Villari, M. Merola, R. Pearce

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The ITER Vacuum Vessel has upper, equatorial and lower port structures. The bottom ports are dedicated to the divertor replacement (five ports) and to vacuum pumping by means of cryopumps (four ports). The latest cryopump port design is more complex as it has a pump with a direct view of the vessel (upper cryopump) and a second pump at the end of a branch port (lower cryopump). 3D neutronic analyses have been performed in order to study the radiation conditions in and around the port system. In detail, nuclear heating on the cryopump has been calculated updating previous analysis performed in 2003 [L. Petrizzi, ITER CTA Detailed Neutronic Analyses, Final Report on contract EFDA/01-633 ENEA ref NE-VV-R-001 April 2003. Also included in Nuclear Analyis Report NAR ITER ref document G 73 DDD 2W 0.2 (v2.0) March 2006]. Calculations have been performed by means of MCNP 5 Monte Carlo code supplied with FENDL 2.1 library. In this work a new 40° model of ITER has been used in which full details of the cryopump system and remote handling ports have been included as well as the updated divertor components. The paper will present the neutronics results. They consist of nuclear heating on cryopump components; a map of dpa and helium production is provided as well. Gamma doses after shutdown have been calculated around the port flange to have an idea of the possible dose to which the eventual operator will be subject and to plan adequately manual operations. The cryopump is located at a distance of almost 5 m from the mouth of the divertor port and it is 3 m long. Calculations of such deep penetration problem are very challenging require special variance reduction techniques with Monte Carlo codes in order to use in an efficient way the computer resources. These will be described.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1505-1509
Number of pages5
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Issue number7-11
StatePublished - Jun 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • Cryopump
  • Engineering design analysis
  • ITER
  • Neutron


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