Neutron vibrational spectroscopy of the Pr2Fe17-based hydrides

T. J. Udovic, W. Zhou, H. Wu, C. M. Brown, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, E. Mamontov, O. Isnard

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6 Scopus citations


Neutron vibrational spectroscopy measurements of Pr2Fe17Hx and Pr2Fe17Dx (x ≤ 5) reveal dynamic features consistent with the interstitial hydrogen locations previously determined by neutron diffraction. In particular, for Pr2Fe17H3, two peaks centered at ≈85.4 and 106.0 meV correspond to the normal-mode vibrational energies of hydrogen in octahedral (o) sites comprised of a near-square planar arrangement of four Fe atoms and two apical Pr atoms. Based on bond distances and preliminary first-principles calculations, the lower-energy feature is assigned to the Ho vibration along the c-oriented Fe{single bond}Ho{single bond}Fe axis. The higher-energy feature is assigned to the other two normal-mode Ho vibrations along the orthogonal Fe{single bond}Ho{single bond}Fe and Pr{single bond}Ho{single bond}Pr axes in the basal plane. For Pr2Fe17H4 and Pr2Fe17H5, the lower-energy Ho mode softens considerably by ≈6 and 10 meV, respectively. This is in part due to the c-axis expansion to accommodate the additional hydrogen occupying the neighboring distorted tetrahedral (t) sites comprised of two Fe atoms and two Pr atoms. For Pr2Fe17H5, in addition to slightly softened Ho basal-plane modes centered at ≈104.7 meV, there is extra scattering intensity evident near ≈112 and 123.7 meV due to two of the Ht normal modes. The analogous Pr2Fe17D5 spectrum suggests that the third Ht normal mode is located near 103.3 meV, obscured by the 104.7 meV Ho peak. A comparison of Pr2Fe17Hx and Pr2Fe17Dx vibrational energies indicates that the o-site bonding potential is largely harmonic, whereas the t-site bonding potential is more anharmonic.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)504-507
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Alloys and Compounds
StatePublished - Oct 31 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • Diffraction
  • Gas-solid reactions
  • Hydrogen storage materials
  • Interstitial alloys
  • Magnetically ordered materials
  • Neutron scattering


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