Neutron Scattering Investigations of Hydride Species in Heterogeneous Catalysis

Felipe Polo-Garzon, Si Luo, Yongqiang Cheng, Katharine L. Page, Anibal J. Ramirez-Cuesta, Phillip F. Britt, Zili Wu

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

34 Scopus citations


In heterogeneous catalysis, hydrides on the surface or in the bulk play a critical role as either active components or reaction intermediates in many hydrogen-involving reactions, but characterization of the nature and structure of these hydride species remains challenging. Neutron scattering, which is extremely sensitive to light elements, such as hydrogen, has shown great potential in meeting this challenge. In this Minireview, recent advances in neutron studies of hydride species, mainly over the two most typical classes of catalysts—metals and oxides—are surveyed. Findings on catalysts outside these categories are raised if they are considered to be relevant for contextualization in the present Minireview. The adsorption, dissociation, spillover, and reactivity of hydrogen, especially hydride species over supported metal and oxide catalysts, have been successfully investigated, mostly by means of neutron vibrational spectroscopy. Insights from these neutron studies, which are otherwise not possible with other techniques, shed light on the interaction mechanism of hydrogen with solid surfaces and reaction mechanisms in which hydrogen is involved. Future research challenges on neutron scattering studies of hydrides, as well as catalysis in general, are also highlighted, and more operando-type neutron studies need be conducted to advance the field.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-103
Number of pages11
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 10 2019


This research is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division. S.L. and Z.W. were partially supported by the Center for Understanding and Control of Acid Gas-Induced Evolution of Materials for Energy (UNCAGE-ME); an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (

FundersFunder number
Center for Understanding and Control of AcidDE-AC05-00OR22725
DOE Public Access Plan
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
United States Government
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Science
Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division


    • heterogeneous catalysis
    • hydrides
    • neutron scattering
    • supported catalysts
    • transition metals


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