Muon-spin-relaxation studies of high pressure phases of ices

Y. Wang, S. L. Dong, A. I. Kolesnikov, P. Zhang, J. C. Li

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1 Scopus citations


Positive muon-spin-relaxation (μSR) has been used to investigate the evolution of spin dynamics in different high-pressure ice phases (e.g. ice-II, ice-VI, ice-VIII and high density amorphous ice) over the temperature range from 5 to 260 K with zero field and a fixed transverse magnetic field of 20 G. The results show that when a high external transverse field is applied to ices, the transverse spin relaxation rate is about 5 times smaller than that at the zero field. The temperature dependencies of the initial muon asymmetry spectra clearly show the phase transition and the muon site/state change in the all high-pressure ice phase (H2O and D2O) on heating to about 140 K.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e451-e454
JournalPhysica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
Issue number1-3 SUPPL. 1
StatePublished - Jul 15 2004
Externally publishedYes


  • Ice
  • Muon spin relaxation
  • Proton dynamics


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