Multi-quasiparticle states in Rf256

H. B. Jeppesen, I. Dragojević, R. M. Clark, K. E. Gregorich, M. N. Ali, J. M. Allmond, C. W. Beausang, D. L. Bleuel, M. Cromaz, M. A. Deleplanque, P. A. Ellison, P. Fallon, M. A. Garcia, J. M. Gates, J. P. Greene, S. Gros, I. Y. Lee, H. L. Liu, A. O. MacChiavelli, S. L. NelsonH. Nitsche, J. R. Pavan, L. Stavsetra, F. S. Stephens, M. Wiedeking, R. Wyss, F. R. Xu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

53 Scopus citations


Excited states in Rf256 were populated via the Pb208(Ti50,2n) fusion-evaporation reaction. Delayed γ-ray and electron decay spectroscopy was performed and three isomeric states in Rf256 have been identified. A fourth low-energy nonyrast state was identified from the γ-ray decay of one of the higher lying isomers. The states are interpreted as multi-quasiparticle excitations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number031303
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 3 2009
Externally publishedYes


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