Modernization enhancements in SCALE 6.2

B. T. Rearden, R. A. Lefebvre, J. P. Lefebvre, K. T. Clarno, M. A. Williams, L. M. Petrie, U. Mertyurek

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

12 Scopus citations


SCALE is a widely used suite of tools for nuclear systems modeling and simulation that provides comprehensive, verified and validated, user-friendly capabilities for criticality safety, reactor physics, radiation shielding, and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. For more than 30 years, regulators, industry, and research institutions around the world have used SCALE for nuclear safety analysis and design. However, the underlying architecture of SCALE is based on a 40-year-old design with dozens of independent functional modules and control programs, primarily implemented in the Fortran programming language, with extensive use of customized intermediate files to control the logical flow of the analysis. Data are passed between individual computational codes using custom binary files that are read from and written to the hard disk. The SCALE modernization plan provides a progression towards SCALE 7, which will provide an object-oriented, parallel-enabled software infrastructure with state-of-the-art methods implemented as reusable components. This paper provides a brief overview of the goals of SCALE modernization and details some modernized features available with SCALE 6.2.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2014
Event2014 International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2014 - Kyoto, Japan
Duration: Sep 28 2014Oct 3 2014


Conference2014 International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2014


This work was performed through the sponsorship of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy, and supported by the DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program, funded and managed by the National Nuclear Security Administration for DOE.


  • Modern
  • Resonance self-shielding
  • XSProc


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