Modeling and simulation of Hanford B reactor experiments

Germina Ilas, Ian Gauld, Eva Sunny, Mike Westfall, Jennifer Nguyen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Experimental data on isotopic concentrations in irradiated nuclear fuel are essential for the validation of computational methods and nuclear data applied in the reactor modeling and simulations used in spent fuel safety and nuclear safeguards. This study investigates the potential use of declassified experimental data from the Hanford B reactor as a reactor and spent fuel benchmark. Unlike most spent fuel benchmarks involving commercial fuel, the Hanford B experimental data include unique measurements for very low exposure production fuel of less than 3 GWd/MTU. Details are provided on analysis results using lattice physics methods as well as preliminary findings from full-core models.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo International Conference, M and C+SNA+MC 2015
PublisherAmerican Nuclear Society
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9781510808041
StatePublished - 2015
EventMathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo International Conference, M and C+SNA+MC 2015 - Nashville, United States
Duration: Apr 19 2015Apr 23 2015

Publication series

NameMathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo International Conference, M and C+SNA+MC 2015


ConferenceMathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo International Conference, M and C+SNA+MC 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Benchmark
  • Depletion
  • Hanford B
  • Plutonium
  • Spent fuel


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