Model predictive control for voltage restoration in microgrids using temporal logic specifications

Fatima Z. Taousser, Mohammed M. Olama, Seddik M. Djouadi, Kevin Tomsovic, Yichen Zhang, Yaosuo Xue

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4 Scopus citations


Power system operation will encounter numerous voltage variabilities as the proliferation of renewable energy continues. Real-time monitoring and communication technologies can potentially improve voltage stability by enabling the rapid detection of voltage deviations and the implementation of corrective actions. These corrective actions will only be effective in restoring stability if they are chosen in a timely and scalable manner. This study considers the problem of power systems' load voltage control in order to simultaneously address both magnitude and time voltage specifications. In order to comply with grid codes and avoid unnecessary relay protection actions, a model predictive control-based control strategy employing temporal logic specifications (TLSs) is proposed. The TLSs strategy is introduced as a formalism to control the voltage variation at a critical load bus against operational bounds over time. The control objective is to schedule optimal control input signals from the available supportive energy storage systems, which provide reactive power injections, leading to satisfying the specified finite-time restoration described by the TLSs with minimal control efforts. The simulation results display that the TLSs strategy for power systems' voltage control synthesis is extremely significant.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)226-234
Number of pages9
JournalIET Energy Systems Integration
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1 2020


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