Microstructural characterization and equibiaxial flexural strength of CeO2 and Ti-doped CeO2

Adrianna E. Lupercio, Riley C. Van Horn, Cayden Doyle, Alex Nadermann, Andrew T. Nelson, Brian J. Jaques

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In this study, the synthesis of CeO2 and titanium dioxide (TiO2) doped CeO2 (TDC) monoliths are investigated, and their fracture strength is assessed using an equibiaxial flexure testing technique at room temperature. Pellets were synthesized using conventional powder processing and sintering methods to produce the desired characteristics. The TiO2 dopant concentration was optimized at 0.1 wt % TiO2 to obtain dense, solid-solution pellets with an enhanced grain microstructure. A ball-on-ring fixture was used to obtain the TRS and Weibull parameters of over 30 pellets for CeO2 and 0.1 wt % TDC to compare fracture behavior. The TRS of CeO2 pellets ranged from 88 to 160 MPa and the TRS of 0.1 wt % TDC pellets ranged from 102 to 171 MPa, both being consistent with published values. Weibull parameters, such as characteristic strength and Weibull modulus, were extracted as 129 MPa and 8.5 for CeO2 and 150 MPa and 9.3 for 0.1 wt % TDC, respectively. Although Hertzian contact damage was observed on compressive surfaces, failure initiation occurred on the tensile surfaces of both types of samples. Fracture surface analysis for CeO2 indicated a predominantly intergranular fracture while 0.1 wt % TDC had a predominantly transgranular fracture mode. The TRS of 0.1 wt % TDC resulted in increased Weibull parameters when compared to CeO2, indicating sample chemistry and microstructure impact mechanical behavior for these samples.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCeramics International
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


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