Methods and issues for the combined use of integral experiments and covariance data: Results of a NEA International Collaborative Study

M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti, G. Aliberti, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, E. Dupont, M. Herman, M. Ishikawa, T. Ivanova, E. Ivanov, S. J. Kim, I. Kodeli, G. Manturov, R. McKnight, S. Pelloni, C. Perfetti, A. J.M. Plompen, B. T. Rearden, D. Rochman, K. SuginoA. Trkov, W. Wang, H. Wu, W. S. Yang

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85 Scopus citations


The Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) of the Nuclear Science Committee under the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA/OECD) established a Subgroup (called "Subgroup 33") in 2009 on "Methods and issues for the combined use of integral experiments and covariance data." The first stage was devoted to producing the description of different adjustment methodologies and assessing their merits. A detailed document related to this first stage has been issued. Nine leading organizations (often with a long and recognized expertise in the field) have contributed: ANL, CEA, INL, IPPE, JAEA, JSI, NRG, IRSN and ORNL. In the second stage a practical benchmark exercise was defined in order to test the reliability of the nuclear data adjustment methodology. A comparison of the results obtained by the participants and major lessons learned in the exercise are discussed in the present paper that summarizes individual contributions which often include several original developments not reported separately.The paper provides the analysis of the most important results of the adjustment of the main nuclear data of 11 major isotopes in a 33-group energy structure. This benchmark exercise was based on a set of 20 well defined integral parameters from 7 fast assembly experiments. The exercise showed that using a common shared set of integral experiments but different starting evaluated libraries and/or different covariance matrices, there is a good convergence of trends for adjustments. Moreover, a significant reduction of the original uncertainties is often observed. Using the a-posteriori covariance data, there is a strong reduction of the uncertainties of integral parameters for reference reactor designs, mainly due to the new correlations in the a-posteriori covariance matrix. Furthermore, criteria have been proposed and applied to verify the consistency of differential and integral data used in the adjustment. Finally, recommendations are given for an appropriate use of sensitivity analysis methods and indications for future work are provided.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-71
Number of pages34
JournalNuclear Data Sheets
Issue number1
StatePublished - Apr 2014


sincere gratitude to the staff of the National Nuclear Data Center, especially S. Hoblit who took care of LATEX corrections in the course of the review process. The work at INL is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy,


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