Melting of Pb Charge Glass and Simultaneous Pb-Cr Charge Transfer in PbCrO3 as the Origin of Volume Collapse

Runze Yu, Hajime Hojo, Tetsu Watanuki, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Takashi Mizokawa, Kengo Oka, Hyunjeong Kim, Akihiko Machida, Kouji Sakaki, Yumiko Nakamura, Akane Agui, Daisuke Mori, Yoshiyuki Inaguma, Martin Schlipf, Konstantin Z. Rushchanskii, Marjana Ležaić, Masaaki Matsuda, Jie Ma, Stuart Calder, Masahiko IsobeYuichi Ikuhara, Masaki Azuma

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    41 Scopus citations


    A metal to insulator transition in integer or half integer charge systems can be regarded as crystallization of charges. The insulating state tends to have a glassy nature when randomness or geometrical frustration exists. We report that the charge glass state is realized in a perovskite compound PbCrO3, which has been known for almost 50 years, without any obvious inhomogeneity or triangular arrangement in the charge system. PbCrO3 has a valence state of Pb2+0.5Pb4+0.5Cr3+O3 with Pb2+-Pb4+ correlation length of three lattice-spacings at ambient condition. A pressure induced melting of charge glass and simultaneous Pb-Cr charge transfer causes an insulator to metal transition and ∼10% volume collapse.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)12719-12728
    Number of pages10
    JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
    Issue number39
    StatePublished - Oct 7 2015


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