Measuring the 15O(α,γ) 19Ne Reaction in Type I X-ray Bursts using the GADGET II TPC: Software

Ruchi Mahajan, A. Adams, J. Allmond, H. Alvarez Pol, E. Argo, Y. Ayyad, D. Bardayan, D. Bazin, T. Budner, A. Chen, K. Chipps, B. Davids, J. Dopfer, M. Friedman, H. Fynbo, R. Grzywacz, J. Jose, J. Liang, S. Pain, D. Perez-LoureiroE. Pollacco, A. Psaltis, S. Ravishankar, A. Rogers, L. Schaedig, L. J. Sun, J. Surbrook, T. Wheeler, L. Weghorn, C. Wrede

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Scopus citations


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