Measurements of the breakup and neutron removal cross sections for 16C

N. I. Ashwood, M. Freer, J. C. Angélique, V. Bouchat, W. N. Catford, N. M. Clarke, N. Curtis, O. Dorvaux, F. Hanappe, Y. Kerckx, M. Labiche, J. L. Lecouey, F. M. Marqués, T. Materna, A. Ninane, G. Normand, N. A. Orr, S. Pain, N. Soić, L. StuttgéC. Timis, A. Unshakova, V. A. Ziman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Measurements of the breakup and the neutron removal reactions of 16C have been made at 46 MeV/A and the decay cross sections measured. A correlation between the cluster breakup channels and the reaction Q value suggests that the reaction mechanism is strongly linked to quasielastic processes. No enhancement of the two-body cluster breakup cross section is seen for 16C. This result would indicate that 16C does not have a well developed cluster structure in the ground state, in agreement with recent calculations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064607
Pages (from-to)064607-1-064607-5
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2004
Externally publishedYes


The authors are grateful to the technical and operations staff of LPC and GANIL for help in preparing and performing the experiments described here. This work was funded by the EPSRC (UK) and the IN2P3-CNRS (France). Additional support was provided by the Human Capital and Mobility Program of the European Community (Contract No. CHGE-CT94-0056).


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