Measurements of light nuclei production in 11.5a GeV/c Au+Pb heavy-ion collisions

T. A. Armstrong, K. N. Barish, S. Batsouli, S. J. Bennett, M. Bertaina, A. Chikanian, S. D. Coe, T. M. Cormier, R. Davies, C. B. Dover, P. Fachini, B. Fadem, L. E. Finch, N. K. George, S. V. Greene, P. Haridas, J. C. Hill, A. S. Hirsch, R. Hoversten, H. Z. HuangH. Jaradat, B. S. Kumar, T. Lainis, J. G. Lajoie, R. A. Lewis, Q. Li, B. Libby, R. D. Majka, T. E. Miller, M. G. Munhoz, J. L. Nagle, I. A. Pless, J. K. Pope, N. T. Porile, C. A. Pruneau, M. S.Z. Rabin, J. D. Reid, A. Rimai, A. Rose, F. S. Rotondo, J. Sandweiss, R. P. Scharenberg, A. J. Slaughter, G. A. Smith, M. L. Tincknell, W. S. Toothacker, G. Van Buren, F. K. Wohn, Z. Xu

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59 Scopus citations


We report on measurements by the E864 experiment at the BNL-AGS of the yields of light nuclei in collisions of 197Au with beam momentum of 11.5A GeV/c on targets of 208Pb and 197Pt. The yields are reported for nuclei with baryon number A = 1 up to A = 7, and typically cover a rapidity range from yc.m. to yc.m. + 1 and a transverse momentum range of approximately 0.1≤pT/A≤0.5 GeV/c. We calculate coalescence scale factors BA from which we extract model-dependent source dimensions and collective flow velocities. We also examine the dependences of the yields on baryon number, spin, and isospin of the produced nuclei.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064908
Pages (from-to)649081-6490820
Number of pages5841740
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2000
Externally publishedYes


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