Measurements and calculations of 238U(n,xn γ) partial γ-ray cross sections

N. Fotiades, G. D. Johns, R. O. Nelson, M. B. Chadwick, M. Devlin, M. S. Wilburn, P. G. Young, J. A. Becker, D. E. Archer, L. A. Bernstein, P. E. Garrett, C. A. McGrath, D. P. McNabb, W. Younes

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38 Scopus citations


Absolute partial cross sections for production of 45 discrete γ rays in the 238;U(n,xn) reactions with x ≤4 are reported for incident-neutron energies in the range 1 MeV<En<100 MeV. A germanium-detector array for γ-ray detection and the "white"- neutron source at LANSCE/WNR were used for the measurement. The energy of the incident neutrons was determined using the time-of-flight technique. The data are compared with previous measurements and with theoretical predictions up to En=30 MeV from the GNASH reaction model. The combination of experimental results with theoretical calculations provides a means to deduce the 238U(n, n′) reaction cross section.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024601
Pages (from-to)246011-246014
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2004
Externally publishedYes


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