Measurement of helicon waves with phase contrast imaging on DIII-D - A theoretical feasibility study

S. S. Denk, C. Lau, J. C. Rost, A. Marinoni, R. I. Pinsker, M. Porkolab

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2 Scopus citations


A DIII-D high-beta H-mode discharge, with Ip = 850 kA, Bt = 2.1 T ne = 4 1019 m-3, has been designed to validate full wave modeling of helicon waves by optimizing the expected response of the Phase Contrast Imaging diagnostic. Helicon waves have been predicted to have high current drive efficiency off-axis without facing the accessibility issues of lower-hybrid waves. To test these predictions experimentally, DIII-D has recently commissioned a high-power helicon antenna. To confidently predict the behavior of helicon waves in future devices, measurements of their fundamental properties and validation against models will be essential. Phase contrast imaging (PCI) is an absolutely calibrated internal reference interferometer able to measure density fluctuations with radial wavenumbers kR between 1.5 cm-1 and 20 cm-1. For helicon waves 2 cm-1 < kR < 10 cm-1 is expected, allowing PCI to measure their envelope and wavenumber spectrum. This makes PCI a powerful tool for the validation of state-of-the-art models, like the AORSA full wave code. AORSA is used to compute the density perturbations measured by the PCI with 2D calculations corresponding to 11 different toroidal mode numbers combined to resolve the trajectory of the helicon wave in 3D. This is necessary because the waves travel 120 degrees toroidally from the antenna to the PCI. A cold plasma finite element model (CPFEM) [4] is used to predict propagation through the scrape-off layer. The result of the CPFEM model is connected to AORSA by creating an artificial Gaussian antenna on the last closed flux surface. PCI shows best results for waves with small vertical wavenumbers kz. Modeling the helicon waves for several past DIII-D experiments shows that kz is minimized if the intersection of the helicon and the PCI laser beams occurs in the midplane. For such an optimized scenario the predicted signal level is two orders of magnitude larger than the background density fluctuations arising from broadband turbulence.

Original languageEnglish
Article number070003
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Issue number1
StatePublished - Aug 18 2023
Event24th Topical Conference on Radio-frequency Power in Plasmas - Annapolis, United States
Duration: Sep 26 2022Sep 28 2022


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science under Award(s) DE-FC02-04ER54698, DE-SC0016154 and DE-AC05-00OR22725.


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