Magnetic topology changes induced by lower hybrid waves and their profound effect on edge-localized modes in the EAST tokamak

Y. Liang, X. Z. Gong, K. F. Gan, E. Gauthier, L. Wang, M. Rack, Y. M. Wang, L. Zeng, P. Denner, A. Wingen, B. Lv, B. J. Ding, R. Chen, L. Q. Hu, J. S. Hu, F. K. Liu, Y. X. Jie, J. Pearson, J. P. Qian, J. F. ShanB. Shen, T. H. Shi, Y. Sun, F. D. Wang, H. Q. Wang, M. Wang, Z. W. Wu, S. B. Zhang, T. Zhang, X. J. Zhang, N. Yan, G. S. Xu, H. Y. Guo, B. N. Wan, J. G. Li

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128 Scopus citations


Strong mitigation of edge-localized modes has been observed on Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, when lower hybrid waves (LHWs) are applied to H-mode plasmas with ion cyclotron resonant heating. This has been demonstrated to be due to the formation of helical current filaments flowing along field lines in the scrape-off layer induced by LHW. This leads to the splitting of the outer divertor strike points during LHWs similar to previous observations with resonant magnetic perturbations. The change in the magnetic topology has been qualitatively modeled by considering helical current filaments in a field-line-tracing code.

Original languageEnglish
Article number235002
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number23
StatePublished - Jun 4 2013


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