Magnetic pyrochlore oxides

Jason S. Gardner, Michel J.P. Gingras, John E. Greedan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1180 Scopus citations


Within the past 20 years or so, there has occurred an explosion of interest in the magnetic behavior of pyrochlore oxides of the type A2 3+ B2 4+ O7, where A is a rare-earth ion and B is usually a transition metal. Both the A and B sites form a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra which is the quintessential framework for a geometrically frustrated magnet. In these systems the natural tendency to form long-range ordered ground states in accord with the third law of thermodynamics is frustrated, resulting in some novel short-range ordered alternatives, such as spin glasses, spin ices, and spin liquids, and much new physics. This article attempts to review the myriad of properties found in pyrochlore oxides, mainly from a materials perspective, but with an appropriate theoretical context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-107
Number of pages55
JournalReviews of Modern Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 26 2010
Externally publishedYes


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