Magnetic polarons and spin-glass behavior in insulating La1-xSrxCo O3 (x=0.125 and 0.15)

P. Anil Kumar, Abhishek Nag, Roland Mathieu, Ranjan Das, Sugata Ray, Per Nordblad, Akmal Hossain, Dona Cherian, Diego Alba Venero, Lisa Debeer-Schmitt, Olof Karis, D. D. Sarma

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11 Scopus citations


The evolution of magnetic polarons in Sr doped LaCoO3 (La1-xSrxCoO3) single crystal and polycrystalline samples are investigated by employing dc and ac magnetic measurement and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) techniques. The effect of magnetic field and temperature on magnetic polarons is experimentally studied for La0.875Sr0.125CoO3 and La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 compounds that belong to the spin glass insulating regime of the broader compositional phase diagram of this system. Langevin analyses of the isothermal magnetization curves in the notional paramagnetic regime prove the existence of magnetic polarons with large moments. The dc field superimposed ac susceptibility data and the analysis of the glassy dynamics prove that the size of polarons in 15% Sr doped crystal increase as the field is increased while the field effect is not visible in the 12.5% Sr doped crystal. A polycrystalline sample of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is analyzed by SANS experiments, which confirm nonzero correlation length at temperatures far above the macroscopic ordering temperature and hence the presence of magnetic polarons.

Original languageEnglish
Article number043344
JournalPhysical Review Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 8 2020


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