Magnetic phase diagram of the multiferroic FeTe2O5Br

M. Pregelj, A. Zorko, O. Zaharko, Z. Kutnjak, M. Jagodič, Z. Jagličić, H. Berger, M. De Souza, C. Balz, M. Lang, D. Arčon

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17 Scopus citations


The low-temperature magnetic phase diagram of the multiferroic system FeTe2O5Br down to 300 mK and up to 9 T is presented. Short-range magnetic correlations within the crystal layers start to develop already at ∼50 K, i.e., far above TN1 ∼11.0 K, where the system undergoes a magnetic phase transition into the high-temperature incommensurate (HT-ICM) phase. Only 0.5 K lower, at TN2, the system undergoes a second phase transition into the low-temperature incommensurately modulated (LT-ICM) phase accompanied by a spontaneous electric polarization. When the magnetic field is applied, the transition temperatures shift depending on the field orientation. In the case of B-b and B>4.5 T, the HT-ICM phase disappears along with the electric polarization in the LT-ICM phase. The field dependence of the magnetic transition temperatures is explained in the context of the magnetic susceptibility behavior. Similarities and differences between the novel well-established magnetoelectrics are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number144438
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number14
StatePublished - Oct 27 2010
Externally publishedYes


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