Magnetic order in Tb2 Sn2 O7 under high pressure: From ordered spin ice to spin liquid and antiferromagnetic order

I. Mirebeau, I. Goncharenko, H. Cao, A. Forget

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5 Scopus citations


We have studied the Tb2 Sn2 O7 ordered spin ice by neutron diffraction under an isotropic pressure of 4.6 GPa, combined with a stress of 0.3(1) GPa. Measurements down to a temperature of 0.06 K and up to 100 K probe the effect of pressure both on ground state and spin fluctuation in the paramagnetic region. In the pressure-induced ground state, the ordered spin ice structure with a k0 =0 propagation vector persists, but it coexists with a structure with k1 = (0,0,1). The ordered moment at 0.06 K is reduced, suggesting that pressure also enhances the spin liquid fluctuations at T∼0. In the paramagnetic region, applying pressure changes the short-range spin correlations and suppresses the ferromagnetic correlations. The influence of pressure is discussed considering both isotropic pressure and stress effects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number220407
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number22
StatePublished - Dec 14 2009
Externally publishedYes


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