Magnetic field induced phases and spin Hamiltonian in Cs2CoBr4

L. Facheris, S. D. Nabi, K. Yu Povarov, Z. Yan, A. Glezer Moshe, U. Nagel, T. Rõõm, A. Podlesnyak, E. Ressouche, K. Beauvois, J. R. Stewart, P. Manuel, D. Khalyavin, F. Orlandi, A. Zheludev

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Magnetic structures and spin excitations are studied across the phase diagram of the geometrically frustrated S=3/2 quantum antiferromagnet Cs2CoBr4 in magnetic fields applied along the magnetic easy axis, using neutron diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering, and terahertz absorption spectroscopy. The data are analyzed, where appropriate, using extended SU(4) linear spin wave theory. A minimal magnetic Hamiltonian is proposed based on measurements in the high-field paramagnetic state. It deviates considerably from the previously considered models. Additional dilatometry experiments highlight the importance of magnetoelastic coupling in this system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104433
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number10
StatePublished - Mar 1 2024


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