Magnetic field effects on transport properties of PtSn 4

Eundeok Mun, Hyunjin Ko, Gordon J. Miller, German D. Samolyuk, Sergey L. Bud'Ko, Paul C. Canfield

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149 Scopus citations


The anisotropic physical properties of single crystals of orthorhombic PtSn 4 are reported for magnetic fields up to 140kOe, applied parallel and perpendicular to the crystallographic b axis. The magnetic susceptibility has an approximately temperature-independent behavior and reveals an anisotropy between the ac plane and b axis. Clear de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in fields as low as 5kOe and at temperatures as high as 30K were detected in magnetization isotherms. The thermoelectric power and resistivity of PtSn 4 show the strong temperature and magnetic field dependencies. A change of the thermoelectric power at H=140kOe is observed as high as 50μV/K. Single crystals of PtSn 4 exhibit very large transverse magnetoresistance of 5×105% for the ac plane and of 1.4×105% for the b axis resistivity at 1.8K and 140kOe, as well as pronounced Shubnikov de Haas oscillations. The magnetoresistance of PtSn 4 appears to obey Kohler's rule in the temperature and field range measured. The Hall resistivity shows a linear temperature dependence at high temperatures followed by a sign reversal around 25K which is consistent with thermoelectric power measurements. The observed quantum oscillations and band structure calculations indicate that PtSn 4 has three-dimensional Fermi surfaces.

Original languageEnglish
Article number035135
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jan 31 2012


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