Magnetic coupling between Sm3 + and the canted spin in an antiferromagnetic SmFeO 3 single crystal

L. G. Marshall, J. G. Cheng, J. S. Zhou, J. B. Goodenough, J. Q. Yan, D. G. Mandrus

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76 Scopus citations


The perovskite SmFeO 3 exhibits type-G antiferromagnetic ordering at T N670 K and an easy axis rotation transition at T SR480 K. Owing to the peculiar site anisotropy of rare-earth Sm3 +, the moment on Sm3 + is oriented antiparallel to the canted spin from the Fe + sublattice along the a axis at T < T SR. The development of the magnetic moment on Sm3 + as temperature decreases makes it possible to balance the two magnetic moments at T comp. The application of a moderate external magnetic field along the a axis can trigger an abrupt reversal of the moment on Sm3 + and the canted spin relative to the external field at a temperature around T comp. We report here a study of the field-induced magnetic-moment reversal in a single crystal SmFeO 3 by measuring the magnetization and specific heat with the external field along different crystallographic axes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064417
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Aug 13 2012


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