Low voltage non-gassing electro-osmotic pump with zeta potential tuned aluminosilicate frits and organic dye electrodes

Harish Lakhotiya, Kunal Mondal, Rajaram K. Nagarale, Ashutosh Sharma

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16 Scopus citations


A novel low-voltage non-gassing electro-osmotic pump using organic-dye electrodes and aluminosilicate frits is demonstrated. Good control of the flow rate is achieved by tuning the zeta potential of the frits in the range of -32.7 mV to -52 mV by varying the aluminum concentration of the aluminosilicate microparticles. The flow rate delivered by the pump is linearly dependent on the zeta potential. The aluminosilicate frits with a maximum zeta potential of -52 mV engendered a maximum flow rate of 27 ± 1.5 μL min-1 V-1 cm-2. In a continuous operation lasting 11 h, the assembled electro-osmotic pump (EOP) can deliver 7.3 mL of a test solution at 60 μA current density. The flow resulted from concerted shifting of protons generated at the anode by electro-oxidation. The consumption of protons at the cathode was accompanied by decomposition of the dye. The non-gassing pump was operated at 0.5 V, which is well below the thermodynamic potential of water electrolysis. The obtained flow rate and pumped volume is sufficient to deliver a bolus of insulin for diabetes management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)28814-28821
Number of pages8
JournalRSC Advances
Issue number54
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


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